How to Apply Anki to Complex Diagrams: Breaking Down Differential Diagnoses

No matter your field or stage of learning, you'll likely need to learn complex algorithms. When you can't afford to miss things, "just understanding" isn't enough. Here's how Alex memorizes a differential diagnosis schema from the podcast Clinical Problem Solvers.

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Residency Interviewing: 3 Evidence-Based Learning Strategies Than Can Help

It's almost impossible to believe it’s been over a year since Cathy and I started the seemingly never-ending process of residency interviewing. Here are three evidence-based learning strategies I applied which made the interviewing ordeal a smidge more tolerable.

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Studying In New Spaces

As residents, we now rarely have uninterrupted chunks of personal time to focus on learning, much less utilize the pomodoro method. Trying to recapture hidden time throughout the day means studying while waiting for coffee or waiting to pick up the car from the body shop. This new reality got Cathy thinking about the hidden benefits of studying away from her desk—and one classic research study that has always stuck with her.

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Learning anatomy: a strategy for memorizing muscles

What's the best way to memorize the muscles of the arm? Cathy discusses her two-step approach to developing adaptive expertise in anatomy, which will play a big role in our future careers—scroll to the bottom to find out where we're headed next year!

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Memory Tips for Medical Students (Live Seminar) [Video]

A short seminar we recently gave to the first year class at our medical school. It covers some science-backed tips we think every learner should know. 

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Never Forget What You Learn: 4 Reasons You Should Be Using Anki in Medical School and Beyond

Anki, powered by spaced repetition, is a powerful tool for making things stick long-term, and I can't imagine learning without it—even with the aid of memory palaces. Here's why you should be combining spaced repetition with memory palaces to get the most from medical school and beyond.

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